Tuesday, March 9, 2010

(Steri-)Strip Poker

As I dried myself, this morning, post-shower, the overlapping string of steri-strips fell away from the incision over my lymph nodes.  I pulled the few remaining sticky ends from my skin and looked a little hesitantly into the mirror.  Not too bad.

The incision is a couple of inches long, and conveniently located right where a bra's edge rubs against the skin below, and just forward of, the crease of my armpit.  The incision is slightly raised -- oddly, not sunken as the scar on the breast was, last go-round -- so the potential for irritation seems high.  I can recover the wound, though I'd prefer to go au naturel, if I can.

With the steri-strips off one incision, I'm keen to relinquish the uniboob fostered by the underwire-free sports bra I've worn 24/7 since Thursday, and reclaim my cleavage.  Time to break out the fire engine red number and take the girls for a spin!

1 comment:

  1. .... ah such a lovely description of 'nature's vase', the forward-facing edition! Any chance you'll be sporting THAT look on your next visit with the Dutchman?!
