Thursday, November 19, 2015

Here Endeth the Lesson

The Dutchman was late today.  He kept me waiting more than an hour, and for what?  Good news on the mammogram:  another clear test, about which I'm chuffed.  The most perfunctory of examinations.  And an unhappy discussion about my weight.

I know carrying excess weight increases my risk of recurrence.  Hell, carrying excess weight increases my risk of a lot of things, including heart attack, stroke and the likelihood of never having another first date.  Being chided by a rail-thin specialist who professes to crank out two 75km bike rides a week, and admits weight loss is not his field, adds no value to the conversation.

So, given that today was our last date, maybe it's just as well.  It's time both The Dutchman and I moved on.  What a long strange trip it's been.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Same Ol' Same Ol', With a Twist

After five years on the cancer trail, mammograms are nothing if not routine.  But just when you think you've seen and done it all, there's a new variation on the old theme.

Today's technician couldn't have topped out anywhere near 5' tall.  At 5'10", I towered over her.  So, for the first time ever, I sat for today's procedure.  That enabled her to manipulate both the equipment and my assorted chestal regions without the need of a milk crate to stand on.

Beyond that small novelty, there was nothing surprising about the experience.  Clothes off, gown on, gown off, squish, squish, gown on, gown off, clothes on, done.  In a week, I'll know the story.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Booby Bash 2.0

Not quite as hot a night as 1.0, and not quite so many partiers, but a good time was had by all.  Bevvies were hoisted and cupcakes consumed.  Hooters outdid themselves and it felt great to celebrate.  A perfect ending to a long trip.

Monday, May 18, 2015


One thousand eight hundred and twenty-six pills.  One a day for five years -- four regular and one leap.  Yesterday, I took my last Tamoxifen tablet.

It hasn't sunk in yet.  That might happen when I don't find that round white pill with today's meds and vitamins.  We'll see.  It certainly felt good to return the extras to the pharmacy.

That's the last of my treatments over and done with.  The journey has felt neither short nor long.  I've just put one foot in front of the other.  And here I am at the end of the road.  Well, almost.  Now there's a party to plan.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Sionara to The Pusher

I think the last time I saw The Pusher was nearly five years ago.  I've been making do with his henchmen ever since.  But today's appointment was important, so he made the time to see me himself, even though I arrived 45 minutes late.

Nothing's changed about the routine.  Undress from the waist up, don the ridiculously small gown (opening in the front, please), wait, remove the aforementioned scrap of cloth, submit to a manual bilateral palpation (warm hands good, cold hands bad), and... we're done.  The small talk's better ("tell me about the tattoo"), but that's incidental.

In May, I will have completed my five-year course of Tamoxifen;  I have enough pills to get me there.  So, it turns out this was our last date.  In fact, he told me he never wants to see me again.  Breaking up has never been so easy to do!