Thursday, April 28, 2011

And a 7.0 From the Dutch Judge

More than an hour of waiting (code for compulsively checking the BlackBerry) earned me about five minutes with The Dutchman, this morning.

The MRI revealed no concerns at all on the left side, which is a relief.  On the right, however, there's still a question about whether we got everything we went in for.  Apparently, it can take as long as 18 months for the tissue at the surgery site to settle down.  Given that I'm just a year out from my last surgery, I've still got six months to go.

So, now I've got an appointment for an MRI and a mammogram set for early October, with a Dutchman chaser mid-month.  If the pictures don't change, I'll be up for another biopsy shortly thereafter.

I'll cross that bridge should I come to it.  In the meantime, I've still got one-and-three-quarters headlights.

1 comment:

  1. .... and so this business hangs on a little bit like the bad taste in your mouth after accidentally drinking sour milk.

    But you ALMOST stuck the landing this time! USA judge gives you a 9.0 :) and looks forward to seeing your PERFECT routine in October.
