Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Brave One

The chairs in today's writing workshop all had labels on them.  We were asked to sit in the chair with the label that best represented us:  Seeker, Wild Card, Ms. Gloomy, etc.  Third to arrive, with two options claimed, I chose The Brave One.  Our last exercise for the day was to write about why we chose the chair we sat in.

* * * *

I only know how to have cancer one way.  That's because it's happening to me for the first time.

A screening mammogram in August resulted in a call-back in September and now -- seven months, three mammograms, four ultrasounds, three biopsies, two MRIs and two surgeries later -- I'm four weeks from my last surgery and ten from the start of radiation.

But it's my friends who think I'm the brave one.  I yam what I yam, as Popeye said.  This cancer business has been an inconvenience, and an occasional downer, but not -- at least for me -- a life-changing experience.

If I'm brave, it isn't breast cancer that made me that way.

As a kid, I moved halfway 'round the world with my family.  At 27, I quit my job and went back to school.  At 34, I divorced my abusive husband.  At 43, I made the biggest mistake of my professional life.

So, cancer?  Cancer's just the current canvas on which I paint the bravery I already have.

1 comment:

  1. Who will play you in the screenplay?! I so look forward to your writings... and am proud to have been a reader since we were snot-nosed teens :)
