Friday, February 26, 2010

Movin' On Up

The Dutchman’s assistant surprised me, this afternoon, with an opportunity to advance my surgery date by almost two weeks.  After a quick call to ensure the BFF was onside, I jumped at the chance.  Suddenly, I’m less than a week away and scrambling to get organized.  It’s going to be a busy weekend.  There’s laundry to be done, the larder to be stocked, a kettle to be purchased (the BFF shouldn’t hafta make tea in a saucepan!), and a few projects to get a jump on at the office.

The agenda for March 4 is rather civilized: a 10AM check-in, 12 noon for the dye needle, and 2PM under the knife.  Barring delays, I should be home in time for the 6:00 news.  And out like a light by 7!

The best news about the shift is that by moving the surgery up, everything else moves up with it.  The pathology meeting will now be March 18, with whatever treatment follows sooner, too.  As they say in the west, pitter patter, let’s get at ‘er.

1 comment:

  1. Sending good thoughts for a speedy recovery your way - if I thought a hug wouldn't hurt, I'd send one of those as well. As you used to say at the close of your letters to me all those years ago....'chin up, knees down' :)
